Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Day in the Life.

Yesterday was one of those wonderful noneties that slide into existence and seat themselves upon memory. I wrote an examination on a Saturday for the first time in my life and it consumed half of the day and put me in a decidedly ill humour.

However, sunshine and Jane Eyre with Bear soon caused my distressed state to dissolve. Jane Eyre was a magnificent movie, an absolute celebration of natural light, with a haunting portrayal of the book. Mia Wasikowska is quite an amazing actress. I loved the costumes and hair in the movie. The Bronte sisters were incredible.

Also, yesterday was Paul McCartney's 69th birthday. In case you were wondering.

So, yes, in the evening my sister had dinner guests, who were good company. Let's not forget that we ate a sumptuous meal and that I laughed a lot. Ultimately, it was a sedately wonderful day. Now, I have to go study Communism.


1 comment:

  1. I love Jane Eyre. The movie was wonderful. :)
