Thursday, July 14, 2011

There and Back Again to See How Far it is.

I must beg your pardon for my absenteeism of late. First I was gorging myself on information for my June Examinations. Which went fairly well, thank you for asking. Latterly, I have been away, there's a lot. So, I'll give you a pencil sketch and fill in the colours at a later stage. 

We took an 18 hour roadtrip to Pretoria, which was positively torturous and spent a weekend in Gauteng, seeing friends and family. We then went to the Lowveld, to the Kruger National Park and various other marvellous natural wonders and sights. We then went to a sleepy little dorpie where my aunt lives. There's nothing there except family. We proceeded down to the Karoo to see my mother's cousin, which was lovely. I got some stunning shots, which are on my sister's laptop. She is currently elsewhere, so I'll have to leave you with baited breath for the photographs.

We travelled about 4 thousand kilometers.

It's good to be back.  

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