Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Boo! To the monsters in the dark.

This is going to come across as dullness in a Coca-Cola bottle, as most people probably do this in their first test flight at blogging.
Anypop - popping bubblegum - here I am, I'm taking my first baby steps into the world of blogging. Yay! and you, dear doodles, have to read... religiously. Okay, actually, scratch that, cause that would make me a into an idol and I'm really only just an itsy-bitsy human floating around cyber space... but you get the idea, I would appreciate the support. I get easily disheartened. <3

Night night world.


  1. You are not itsy-bitsy in my heart beebee! Lobe you (:

  2. Hey, I'm following you! :D
    Like a total creeper! :D
    Hurray! :D

    Also, you had better update this pretty dang frequently because I WILL check religiously.
